Legal services
The target of the developing law office is to provide to its clients safe ground within the confused world of paragraphs, to facilitate their orientation when solving various life situations, both significant and ordinary, both positive and not pleasant.
I will be pleased to advise you on all fields of law, with the emphasis on civil, real estate, commercial and criminal law. To both business entrepreneurs and individuals I offer professional services based on friendly and personal approach to the maximum possible extent when it comes to flexibility and high quality.
According to the needs of the client the entire agenda, including complete contractual documentation, reporting and communication, may be provided both in Czech and English language.
Below you may find a summary of the most common tasks I deal with in my practice. Above this scope I also provide:
- escrow of financial means / deposit of documents
- converting of documents (from and to electronic form)
- legalization of signatures on documents prepared by me and/or delivered by the client
Civil Law
* contractual agenda - purchase, donation, licence agreements, agreements on work, mandate agreements, etc.
* representation before courts and other authorities (litigation, custodiary cases, heritage, disputes with neighbours etc.)
* compensation of damage
Real Estate Law
* transfer of real estate - purchase agreements, exchange agreements, donation agreements, registration to the land registry etc.
* pledge agreements and easements
* advisory services during the mortgage process, during the ensuring of administrative permits
Family Law
* drafting of pre-marriage contracts, adjustment of the common property of spouses
* divorce agenda
Commercial Law
* corporate law (founding documents, changes in corporate bodies, establishment of companies, transfers of stocks and shares, etc.)
* dissolving and liquidation of the companies
* contractual agenda and contractual litigations
Employment Law
* drafting and review of the employment agreements and similar agreements
* advisory services during termination of the employment relationships
* material responsibility of employees, claims connected with work injuries etc.
Criminal Law and Offense
* representation before courts and criminal administrative bodies
* personal attendance at interrogations and other investigation acts
Out-of-Court Disputes Resolution
Please let me inform you about a possibility of out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes between attorney-at-law and consumer arising from the agreements on provision of legal services. The Czech Bar Association (www.cak.cz) is entitled to mediate such out-of-court resolution of the disputes held between the attorney-at-law and the consumer.