Personal Data Protection Policy
Personal Data
Mgr. Michaela Zezulková, attorney-at-law, with its registered address at Valašská Bystřice 533, 756 27, ID No. 02207591 (hereinafter "attorney"), is providing legal expertise which is connected with processing of personal data of the clients of the attorney.
As part of our commitment
to privacy, we have adopted measures in order to be compliant with Regulation
EU 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural
persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and
repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter the "GDPR"), as well as
with the applicable national legislation.
Transparency and the purpose for personal data processing
We collect and process your personal data only for our necessary and respective purposes which are vital to the safe, effective and efficient operation of our professional interests and for compliancy with the legislation. We only collect the such data to the extent and type of information that is necessary for the respective purposes and that which you provide to us whilst contacting us via e-mail or using other media such as internet formulars.
1. Newsletter (Legal Update, Legal Alert and other )
We want our clients and other persons to stay in touch and benefit from our wide range of legal and business knowledge. And so we publish our newsletters (esp. Legal Updates and Legal Alerts), which include expert information on new legislation and newly published case law. In connection with the foregoing, we only process the following elements of personal data: name, surname and e-mail address, for the purpose of providing recipients with current news on legal topics. We are entitled to send the newsletters under the consent you have granted us or under a legitimate interest title which is based on our either current or former relationship.
2. Client - Attorney Information
When providing legal services to our clients, we may process personal data which is received on behalf of our clients. Although such processing is rare and only done so occasionally, we may only process the personal data which we have received from the client, or on the client's behalf from third parties. We are entitled to do so under the title of contract performance and our legitimate interest.
Duration or time-frame required for processing your personal data
The personal information you provide to us will be retained only for as long as necessary in order to satisfy the purposes for which the information was collected or as required by law. We do not share any personal information with third parties except as necessary for conducting our business activity or your request or as required by law or other legal processes. Under no circumstances whatsoever do we sell on your personal data to third parties.
Your rights regarding personal data protection
Your rights, with regard to your personal data processing, are as follows: the right of access (Art. 15 of the GDPR); the right to rectification (Art. 16 of the GDPR); the right to erasure (Art. 17 of the GDPR); the right to restriction or limitation of processing (Art. 18 of the GDPR); the right to data portability (Art. 20 of the GDPR); the right to object (Art. 21 of the GDPR); and the right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection supervisory authority.
You may also choose to assert and exercise your rights electronically via e-mail: michaela@ak-mz.cz or in writing sent to the address of the attorney. You are also entitled to lodge a
complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection or any other competent state authority.
Cookies Policy
What is cookie?
Cookie is a small piece of data consisting of letters and numbers, which are sent by computer with webpage via web broser to your computer or mobile phone (hereinafter refferred to as the "device") and stored on hard disc of your device. Cookie files allow us to distinguish you from other web page users. Thanks to them we are able to offer you better experience when browsing our webpage and to make our services better every day.
Every webpage can send to your browser its own cookie files, if it is alloowed by your browser settings. However your browser (for sake of protection of your privacy) allows the webpages to access only such cookie files, which were sent to your device by these webpages, not other cookie files sent by different webpages. Most of the webpages do this every time when a user visits them. It allows them to better track the on-line operation.
Third parties cookie files
In certain cases we use advertising cookie files of third parties, which allow us to understand and improve effectivity of our advertising both on our webpages and the third party webpages. Such cookie files are sometimes being used for personalization, change of targeting and optimalization of on-line advertising.
This webpage uses Google Analytics service, provided by company Google, Inc. (hereinafter refferred to as the "Google"). Google Analytics service uses cookie files, which are text files stored into your computer and allowing analysis of way of use of this webpage by its users. Information generated by cookie file on use of the webpage (including your IP address) will be transferred by Google and stored on servers based in the United States of America. Google shall use such information for reasons of evaluating of use of the webpage and creating reports on its activity, intended for its providers, and for providing of other services regarding the activities on the webpage and use of internet as such. Google may also provide these information to third parties, if it is required by laws or if such third parties are processing these information for Google. Google shall not connect your IP address with any other data available to Google. You can refuse using cookies files by choosing this option in your browser settings, however please bear in mind that if you do so, you will not be able to fully use all functions of this webpage. By using this webpage you hereby agree with processing of your information by Google, in a way and for reasons as stipulated above.
How to refuse cookie files?
By using our webpage you agree with using cookies.
However all modern browsers do allow you to change cookie settings. Therefore you can set your device that it will receive all cookies, or it will inform you on release of cookie files, or it never receives any cookie files. Shall you choose the latter option, it means that you will not be offered with certain personalized functions, and therefore you will not be able to fully use all functions of respective webpage. Each browser is different, therefore please refer to your browser "help", "settings" or "options" pages where you can find how to change the cookie files settings.
Terms of using this webpage
General provisions
Operator of the webpage www.ak-mz.cz is Mgr. Michaela Zezulková, attorney at law, with its registered office at Valašská Bystřice 533, 756 27, ČAK No. 17042 (hereinafter refferred to as the "operator" ), who is in line with an Act No. 121/2000 Coll., Copyrigh Act, as amended, entitled to exercise ownership rights to this webpage.
The operator is entitled to all rights arising from the licence according to the Copyright Act to the content of the webpage, including the text, its design, technical drawings, graphics, any and all pictures and photos, as well as to choice and way of collecting the files included on this webpage.
Internet pages www.ak-mz.cz are accessible publicly and frre of charge and their use is subject to these terms.
Use of the webpage
User undertakes when using the webpage www.ak-mz.cz to obey valid regulations and laws of the Czech Republic, good manners and these terms and not to harm good name of the operator or other users. The user specificaly undertakes to refrain from:
- interventions to security, technical nature or content of the webpage www.ak-mz.cz and / or from any misuse of the same,
- interventions to use this webpage by other users,
- use of this webpage for spamming or sending of chain mails,
- sending to this webpage and data containing viruses or any other dangerous or harmful programs,
- creation of fae news in order to forge identity of the sender ot try to intervene into other users accounts,
- spread of any news or materialson this webpage violating legal regulations of the Czech Republic.
Disclaimer of the operator
Content of webpage www.ak-mz.cz is of informative and non-binding nature. The operator does not guarantee correctness and completeness of information of this webpage. Publication of any infromation on this webpage, expect for these terms, shall not be regarded as any legal act aiming to conclude any legal relationship between the operator and the user, unless stipulated otherwise in specific cases.
The operator is entitled any time and without any previous notification to make changes to information included herein.
The operator disclaims any responsibility for any prospective damage which may arise to the users in connection to use of this webpage www.ak-mz.cz.
The operator also disclaims any responsibility for any advertising, or any other marketing provided by third parties via www.ak-mz.cz.
The operator disclaims any responsibility for content of www pages owned by third parties, which are accessible via webpage www.ak-mz.cz.
Personal Data Protection Policy
The access to webpage www.ak-mz.cz or some of the services provided by the operator via this webpage can be fully or partially subject to provision of some personal identification data within the meaning of an Act No. 101/2000 Coll., the personal data protection act and in line with the EU Regulation No. 2016/679 dated April 27, 2016, on protection of natural persons in connection with processing of personal data and free movement of such data and cancellation of directiveNo. 95/46/ES (General Data Protection Regulation).
The operator undertakes to handle such data pursuant to valid legal regulations and to use them only to the expent necessary to fulfill the reasons for which they are being collected, and always in a way to prevent any damage to the subject of these data. The operator further uses such data for its own needs, especially for analyzing and evaluating of possible risks, tracking of the quality of the services provided and the overall satisfaction of the clients.
Information obligation of the personal data processor acoording to GDPR regulations, connected to the respective processing of the personal data, i.e. especially provision of detailed information on data processing and on lawful rights of the data owners, is being fulfilled always within respective section of the webpage connected to the specific service provided, as an integral part of the web formular.
The user hereby agrees with the above mentioned processes of the operator.
Personal data are secured by the operator according to standards ensuring maximum possible protection of the data processed against unlawfull accress or transmission, against its loss or damage, as well as against its possible misuse. All client information are protected also by duty of confidentiality of the operator.
Final provisions
The operator is entitled to change these terms at any time.
Terms on using of the webpage are effective as of the day of their publication. The terms were published on May 25, 2018.